Sunday, March 30, 2008

Peer Coaching Program sponsored by Microsoft

The Peer Coaching Program is designed to train teacher leaders to serve as peer coaches for colleagues. As coaches, these teachers will assist their peers in identifying ways to enhance standards-based instruction and to offer their students engaging, technology-rich, learning activities. In doing so, peer coaches will help their colleagues to develop the necessary technology skills and instructional strategies needed to integrate technology into teaching and learning.
Be sure to check it out @

I have had the privilege of being a Peer Coach this last year for two colleagues at our school. One a self proclaimed "Non Techie" has grabbed all the knowledge possible. Shy at first but willing to give things a try. The second has been a large disappointment.

When choosing colleagues to work with you think you know their desires and willingness to get involved. It turns out you really don't, not until you see them in action or lack of action. Given opportunities rare in the education field an educator who chooses to disregard their commitment to learn so that they might improve the education of all the students they touch is of catastropichic proportion. The real dissapointment is that they took this opportunity away from someone who might have followed through and was willing to learn.

Check out Wacky Words blog created by a "Non Techie" see what is possible if you only open your mind to learning and take a small risk.

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