The Peer Coaching Program is designed to train teacher leaders to serve as peer coaches for colleagues. As coaches, these teachers will assist their peers in identifying ways to enhance standards-based instruction and to offer their students engaging, technology-rich, learning activities. In doing so, peer coaches will help their colleagues to develop the necessary technology skills and instructional strategies needed to integrate technology into teaching and learning.
Be sure to check it out @
I have had the privilege of being a Peer Coach this last year for two colleagues at our school. One a self proclaimed "Non Techie" has grabbed all the knowledge possible. Shy at first but willing to give things a try. The second has been a large disappointment.
When choosing colleagues to work with you think you know their desires and willingness to get involved. It turns out you really don't, not until you see them in action or lack of action. Given opportunities rare in the education field an educator who chooses to disregard their commitment to learn so that they might improve the education of all the students they touch is of catastropichic proportion. The real dissapointment is that they took this opportunity away from someone who might have followed through and was willing to learn.
Check out Wacky Words blog created by a "Non Techie" see what is possible if you only open your mind to learning and take a small risk.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
My Teacher Is My Hero

One of the wonderful things about our profession is that sometimes adults seek us out to tell us about the important impact we had on their lives when they were our students.
One of Fran’s former students (from her multi-age classroom years) has written an essay about her impact on his life. It is appearing in a book that is being published next month titled My teacher is a Hero.
Here is the link to the Amazon page, if you want to pre-order a copy of the book for Fran to sign once she gets her cast off.
Fran, this recognition is richly deserved.
We are each of us making similar impressions today on tomorrow’s future adults. I wish the same well-deserved recognition for each of you.
David Jones
Principal, Cedar Wood Elementary
One of Fran’s former students (from her multi-age classroom years) has written an essay about her impact on his life. It is appearing in a book that is being published next month titled My teacher is a Hero.
Here is the link to the Amazon page, if you want to pre-order a copy of the book for Fran to sign once she gets her cast off.
Fran, this recognition is richly deserved.
We are each of us making similar impressions today on tomorrow’s future adults. I wish the same well-deserved recognition for each of you.
David Jones
Principal, Cedar Wood Elementary
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Raising WASL Science Scores in Washington State
Science Conference: Schedule
Planning and Conducting an Investigation
You will be conducting an experiment in which observations will be made over a period of three weeks.
January 25
Deadline for approval by teacher of your question, prediction, experiment procedure, variables.
January 25– January 28
Gather materials needed for your experiment and begin conducting observations by this date. Scientific journal is created and being used. Begin to plan your presentation board. Begin work on your board.
February 24 (three weeks of observations)
Observations completed by this date· Finish your display board.
February 25 – March 2
Meet with your partner to prepare oral presentation and Power Point.
Boards and Scientific Journals due March 2
March 3 - 6
Oral presentations
March 13
Science Conference!!!
Your project board must include:
Question: of interest to the student
Prediction: I think… because….. (site evidence)
Materials used~ include tools and amounts
Procedure: listed by steps, 1. 2. 3. etc… include observe and measure every (day/week) The last step must be repeat experiment.
Constant Variable (parts of the experiment that are kept the same )
Manipulated Variable (the only part that changes)
Responding variable: item that changed due to manipulation- (how it changed)
Data Collection: Use a table,graph, or form of communication that displays your data.
Conclusion: Written summary showing how your data relates to your conclusion. My prediction was (right/wrong). Based on the data (site high and low data) I know that ….. (use your science knowledge plus the data to support your ideas)
Application: You must show how this question has an impact on mankind.
Have fun and be creative! Your display should be accurate, informative, easy to understand, and a pleasure to look at.
Rubric for Exemplary 4
Presents all information required on the board in an organized and understandable display according to content format. Question, Prediction, Materials, Procedures, Variables Identified, Data Collection, Conclusion, Application, & research.
Clearly presented a complete understanding of the project, display and test results.
Lists all books, Internet sites, people and printed matter in a proper bibliographical format.
Question and prediction directly address this project’s testing.
Presents easy-to-follow steps, which are logical and adequately detailed.
Data table and graph neatly completed and totally accurate neatly printed.
Displays a logical explanation for findings and addresses all of the tests used in the project and includes new questions.
All grammar and spelling are correct.
Outstanding Graphics, Artistically presented, all items secure, functioning and Project Specific.
Worked cooperatively with a partner scientist.
Science Conference: Self-Evaluation Checklist
Self-Evaluation Sheet to be turned in BEFORE Oral Presentation
Student Name: _____________________
My project board includes:
1) An interesting Question that could not be answered with a simple yes or no.
2) My Prediction: I think _______ because_______ (site evidence… reason why you predict that)
3) A list of materials used. I was very specific listing amounts needed as well as tools I used.
4) The Procedure: I listed each step using 1,2,3.. and the last step said “Repeat the experiment”
5) Constant Variable(s) were identified on my board.
6) Manipulated Variable was identified on my board. (This should be the ONLY part that changed)
7) Responding Variable was identified.
8) Data Collection. I included a ______ graph ______ chart ______ table.
9) Conclusion: This was a written summary that showed how my data related to my conclusion. I started by saying, “My prediction was right/wrong.” Then I explained the date, citing the data range and concluded by saying I know ______________ because _____________________________.
10) I stated the application for my question. I showed how this question has an impact on mankind.
11) My display board is NEAT (typed).
12 ) My display board is visually appealing.
13) My information on my display board is accurate and informative.
14) I worked with a partner to provide reliable results (repeat the experiment)
Scientific Notebook:
1) Included All parts of my investigative proposal (question, prediction, materials, procedure, data collection and conclusion.)
2) Accurately recorded all data collected.
3) Was useful to me when drawing conclusions from my data.
4) Was NEATLY done. Others could read my notes.
Based on my self-assessment I think my grade for this project should be:
______4 ( I did all that was expected + more)
My notetaking was thorough and my results were accurate. If I made a mistake, (like having more than one manipulated variable) I corrected it. Display board and notebook is visually appealing.
______ 3 ( I believe I met standard expectations for this project. I did what was expected but did not extend my thinking. )
______ 2 ( There are some parts missing. I worked on this project, but did not spend the
time it takes to have a good result. If I did __________ my project could have met standard.
Planning and Conducting an Investigation
You will be conducting an experiment in which observations will be made over a period of three weeks.
January 25
Deadline for approval by teacher of your question, prediction, experiment procedure, variables.
January 25– January 28
Gather materials needed for your experiment and begin conducting observations by this date. Scientific journal is created and being used. Begin to plan your presentation board. Begin work on your board.
February 24 (three weeks of observations)
Observations completed by this date· Finish your display board.
February 25 – March 2
Meet with your partner to prepare oral presentation and Power Point.
Boards and Scientific Journals due March 2
March 3 - 6
Oral presentations
March 13
Science Conference!!!
Your project board must include:
Question: of interest to the student
Prediction: I think… because….. (site evidence)
Materials used~ include tools and amounts
Procedure: listed by steps, 1. 2. 3. etc… include observe and measure every (day/week) The last step must be repeat experiment.
Constant Variable (parts of the experiment that are kept the same )
Manipulated Variable (the only part that changes)
Responding variable: item that changed due to manipulation- (how it changed)
Data Collection: Use a table,graph, or form of communication that displays your data.
Conclusion: Written summary showing how your data relates to your conclusion. My prediction was (right/wrong). Based on the data (site high and low data) I know that ….. (use your science knowledge plus the data to support your ideas)
Application: You must show how this question has an impact on mankind.
Have fun and be creative! Your display should be accurate, informative, easy to understand, and a pleasure to look at.
Rubric for Exemplary 4
Presents all information required on the board in an organized and understandable display according to content format. Question, Prediction, Materials, Procedures, Variables Identified, Data Collection, Conclusion, Application, & research.
Clearly presented a complete understanding of the project, display and test results.
Lists all books, Internet sites, people and printed matter in a proper bibliographical format.
Question and prediction directly address this project’s testing.
Presents easy-to-follow steps, which are logical and adequately detailed.
Data table and graph neatly completed and totally accurate neatly printed.
Displays a logical explanation for findings and addresses all of the tests used in the project and includes new questions.
All grammar and spelling are correct.
Outstanding Graphics, Artistically presented, all items secure, functioning and Project Specific.
Worked cooperatively with a partner scientist.
Science Conference: Self-Evaluation Checklist
Self-Evaluation Sheet to be turned in BEFORE Oral Presentation
Student Name: _____________________
My project board includes:
1) An interesting Question that could not be answered with a simple yes or no.
2) My Prediction: I think _______ because_______ (site evidence… reason why you predict that)
3) A list of materials used. I was very specific listing amounts needed as well as tools I used.
4) The Procedure: I listed each step using 1,2,3.. and the last step said “Repeat the experiment”
5) Constant Variable(s) were identified on my board.
6) Manipulated Variable was identified on my board. (This should be the ONLY part that changed)
7) Responding Variable was identified.
8) Data Collection. I included a ______ graph ______ chart ______ table.
9) Conclusion: This was a written summary that showed how my data related to my conclusion. I started by saying, “My prediction was right/wrong.” Then I explained the date, citing the data range and concluded by saying I know ______________ because _____________________________.
10) I stated the application for my question. I showed how this question has an impact on mankind.
11) My display board is NEAT (typed).
12 ) My display board is visually appealing.
13) My information on my display board is accurate and informative.
14) I worked with a partner to provide reliable results (repeat the experiment)
Scientific Notebook:
1) Included All parts of my investigative proposal (question, prediction, materials, procedure, data collection and conclusion.)
2) Accurately recorded all data collected.
3) Was useful to me when drawing conclusions from my data.
4) Was NEATLY done. Others could read my notes.
Based on my self-assessment I think my grade for this project should be:
______4 ( I did all that was expected + more)
My notetaking was thorough and my results were accurate. If I made a mistake, (like having more than one manipulated variable) I corrected it. Display board and notebook is visually appealing.
______ 3 ( I believe I met standard expectations for this project. I did what was expected but did not extend my thinking. )
______ 2 ( There are some parts missing. I worked on this project, but did not spend the
time it takes to have a good result. If I did __________ my project could have met standard.
1976-2008 30 Years of Teaching
In My Classroom!!
Welcome!! In my classroom, I was committed to the achievement of high academic standards for every child. With involved parents and community, the classroom is alive with a love of learning. I am engaged in an endless search for ways to excite students and improve learning. Thirty years of teaching in the Everett School District brought me to Cedar Wood prior to it opening as a part of the core team and I have been here ever since, with the exception of a two-year sabbatical leave, during which I worked on a project called “Sea to See”, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Everett School District. The project allowed my husband, Jim, and I to circumnavigated the world in 426 days, 211 at sea and 215 on land. I communicated with Cedar Wood via e-mail sharing experiences and cultures through the voyage.
I graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in Speech Communication. Later, I returned to Western Washington University, to receive my Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education and my Principal certificate at the same time. I keep current with hundreds of classes in varying subject matters.
My husband and I live on our Tartan 48′ sailboat “Cape St. James” at Shilshole Bay Marina. My husband, Jim, is an architect in Seattle, who does new houses, remodels and small commercial work including shoreline projects.
My daughter, Jennifer graduated in May 2003 from Washington State University’sCollege of Veterinary Medicine. She spent one year at Colorado State University completing a medicine and surgery internship before moving on to the University of Minnesota for a dual Master’s/Residency in Internal Medicine program. Jennifer completed this program, receiving her Master’s degree and diplomate status with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in 2007. Currently, she is working as an NIH Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Diabetes Institute for Immunology and Transplantation, working on her PhD project which involves studying ways to successfully transplant pancreatic islet cells to cure Type I Diabetes.
My hobbies include sailing, jewelry making, quilting, fishing, reading, and presently collecting Navy place settings. Reaching beyond the four walls of our classroom has always been a goal of mine so, with the help of many grants and businesses, my students have enjoyed completing exciting projects. My classes have collaborated with NASA, Boeing, University of Washington, University of Arizona, UpJohn Pharmaceutical and many local businesses. Many of these projects have received national recognition. My students were the first from the state of Washington to have an exhibit in the Smithsonian Institute’s National Air and Space Museum, with their creation of the Martian Drivers License for Brian Cooper (Rover driver) at JPL NASA. The State of Washington recognized the license with the Governors, and Secretary of States signatures along with the signature of Vice President Al Gore. NASA proudly displays the license to this day. In 1997, I was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Science Education.
Welcome!! In my classroom, I was committed to the achievement of high academic standards for every child. With involved parents and community, the classroom is alive with a love of learning. I am engaged in an endless search for ways to excite students and improve learning. Thirty years of teaching in the Everett School District brought me to Cedar Wood prior to it opening as a part of the core team and I have been here ever since, with the exception of a two-year sabbatical leave, during which I worked on a project called “Sea to See”, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Everett School District. The project allowed my husband, Jim, and I to circumnavigated the world in 426 days, 211 at sea and 215 on land. I communicated with Cedar Wood via e-mail sharing experiences and cultures through the voyage.
I graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in Speech Communication. Later, I returned to Western Washington University, to receive my Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education and my Principal certificate at the same time. I keep current with hundreds of classes in varying subject matters.
My husband and I live on our Tartan 48′ sailboat “Cape St. James” at Shilshole Bay Marina. My husband, Jim, is an architect in Seattle, who does new houses, remodels and small commercial work including shoreline projects.
My daughter, Jennifer graduated in May 2003 from Washington State University’sCollege of Veterinary Medicine. She spent one year at Colorado State University completing a medicine and surgery internship before moving on to the University of Minnesota for a dual Master’s/Residency in Internal Medicine program. Jennifer completed this program, receiving her Master’s degree and diplomate status with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in 2007. Currently, she is working as an NIH Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Diabetes Institute for Immunology and Transplantation, working on her PhD project which involves studying ways to successfully transplant pancreatic islet cells to cure Type I Diabetes.
My hobbies include sailing, jewelry making, quilting, fishing, reading, and presently collecting Navy place settings. Reaching beyond the four walls of our classroom has always been a goal of mine so, with the help of many grants and businesses, my students have enjoyed completing exciting projects. My classes have collaborated with NASA, Boeing, University of Washington, University of Arizona, UpJohn Pharmaceutical and many local businesses. Many of these projects have received national recognition. My students were the first from the state of Washington to have an exhibit in the Smithsonian Institute’s National Air and Space Museum, with their creation of the Martian Drivers License for Brian Cooper (Rover driver) at JPL NASA. The State of Washington recognized the license with the Governors, and Secretary of States signatures along with the signature of Vice President Al Gore. NASA proudly displays the license to this day. In 1997, I was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Science Education.
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